Do More Marketing or Your Competitors Will 

competitors will

Marketing is very essential to the success of any business. For decorators and painters, good products and services may not be enough to drive and sustain sufficient sales. Your business visibility and accessibility greatly affect the number of sales you make. 

Many business owners in the trade sector believe that there isn’t much need to push their marketing beyond the traditional methods. But in a time like this when most commercial operations are going digital, it is important to find better ways to reach potential customers. 

Why Does Your Business Need Marketing? 

Whether or not you market your business, it does not stop your competitors from doing their best to outshine you. So, why relax and just watch as you are knocked out of business? Let us consider the reasons you need marketing and what you can do to step up your marketing game for better sales. 

Increase in Business Visibility 

As a painter, carpenter, or decorator, you may not be able to sell much if nobody knows about what you offer. The number of sales you make and even the referrals you get depends largely on how well you’re known. It is possible that you are offering great services and yet you are known just within your locality. In that case, it is most likely that demands for your products and services will revolve only around your area and the truth is, no great business grows that way. 

 With effective marketing strategies, you will be able to create good awareness for your business. That way, you stand better chances of reaching out to more people, thereby increasing your chances of making more sales. 

Reaching the Right Customers 

The essence of marketing is basically not to reach out to just anyone out there. Every product or service has a category of people it was especially meant for, those who really need it and are interested in it. Traditional methods of marketing such as flyers or leaflets are usually hard to channel to a particular set of customers. But with targeted marketing, you can present your products and services to the right customers. It is a faster way of increasing sales too. 

Increase in Demand 

The goal of every business is to make a profit. The goal is easier to achieve when your business drives a good point of sales. And that’s exactly what marketing is geared to achieve, bringing more customers, more salesmore profit. You might argue that your business already makes enough sales and profit. Well, the truth is that you can always make more if you give attention to your marketing.  

Social Media Marketing 

The number of people using social media in the world in 2020 was estimated to be around 3.6 billion. And the figure is expected to have reached over 4 billion by 2025. Over 50% of this population uses social media to research products and services. This means that social media is one of the best platforms for marketing. Social media marketing helps you reach a wider range of customers, and also has strategies for targeted marketing. 

Take Bold Marketing Steps 

Having learned how important marketing can be to you as a decorator, painter, or carpenter, it is time to act. Below are some simple steps you can take to improve your business marketing. 

  • Maximise social media marketing on your social media accounts.  


The effect of your business’s improvement in marketing is reflected in your sales. It is not healthy to just assume that you don’t need marketing, or that you cannot do it. Effective marketing might just be all you need to drive your business to that profit level you so desire. 

If you’d like to know more on how you can enhance your marketing skill and grow your visibility, join us in the Decorators Growth Club – Free Support, our free marketing support Facebook Group just for decorators. If you’re ready to take a bigger leap and get the answers for the questions you didn’t know to ask, then join us in The Decorators Growth Club – Pro Members. For just £25 per month, you’ll have access to all the videos, pro members facebook group, podcasts and monthly masterminds.

Find out more on our website. 

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