The importance of using a Facebook Pixel

The importance of using a Facebook Pixel

Find out how a Facebook Pixel can help you when it comes to adverts. Install a Facebook Pixel to your website and Facebook can analyse the people that visit and re-target them. Facebook can use the information they gather on your audience including demographics and interests to find similar people. Learn why it will take re-targeting ads for your target audience to buy from you.

If you’d like to know more on how you can enhance your marketing skill and grow your visibility, join us in the Decorators Growth Club – Free Support, our free marketing support Facebook Group just for decorators. If you’re ready to take a bigger leap and get the answers for the questions you didn’t know to ask, then join us in The Decorators Growth Club – Pro Members. For just £25 per month, you’ll have access to all the videos, pro members facebook group, podcasts and monthly masterminds.


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